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Limit of a Function: Introduction – Calculus

In order to study a function and its behavior and properties, an important step is to find out the limits of the function on the ends of its domain of definition. In this article, we will introduce the idea of limits and the different cases that we can come across. [latexpage] Introduction We saw...

Mathematical Functions: Definition and Properties

While studying mathematics you may have noticed that functions are widely used in nearly every subject. In a matter of fact, they are one of the most basic and fundamental objects in mathematics, so in this article, we will learn about functions, their definition, and their properties. [latexpage]...

How to Solve Equations of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree

We may face the task of solving different types of equations while studying mathematics, so in this post, we will see how to solve first, second, and third degree equations. [latexpage] Possible cases for the solutions First, we need to understand what are the possible solutions for solving...

Operations Research: The Science Of Doing Better

Operations research is the art of problem-solving and decision-making. In this article, we will learn more about "The Science of Doing Better" and its endless applications. Introduction Did you ever wonder, what is the shortest way to take to get to your shopping destinations and back home, so...

How to Hire the Right Math Tutor

The Three Biggest Pitfalls in Hiring a Tutor and How to Handle Them When searching for a tutor there are three major things you need to have in place to ensure a good experience. Having a good tutor can be a great benefit far more bang for your buck than classroom education, but there are three...

Absolute Value and Square Roots

Absolute values often show up in problems involving square roots. That’s because you can’t take the square root of a negative number without introducing imaginary numbers (those involving $i = \sqrt{-1}$ ). Example 1: Simplify $\sqrt{x^{2}}$ This problem looks deceptively simple. Many students...

Absolute Value and Logarithms

Absolute Value and Logarithms Absolute values often turn up unexpectedly in problems involving logarithms. That’s because you can’t take the log of a negative number. Let’s first review the definition of the logarithm function: Logb x = y ⇔ by = x (The double arrow is a bi-conditional, which means...

L’Hospital’s Rule

L’Hospital’s Rule is a useful way to evaluate tricky limits. It is most often used for limits of indeterminate form. The rule is as follows: If $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are differentiable on some interval around the number $a$ (or if $a=\infty$, $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are differentiable for all...