For High Schools
Take advantage of our personalized math online tutoring we are offering to the students at your school who need an extra help

Schools are open at a specific time period. Teachers at school cannot commit to students 24/7. The students need someone who can be of help at their home or even schools.
We made a thought – one step ahead to areas that we can extend our service to. Now we are not only serving the individual or a group of students who came up to us all by themselves, but also the students from the school or other academic institutions. There always are students who need extra attention. We can help improve their grades with an extensive and personalized online tutoring we provide.
We have been helping students from various schools at following courses:
Arithmetic Pre-Algebra Algebra
Pre-Calculus Geometry AP Calculus
3-D Geometry NYS Regents Math
Trigonometry ACT, SAT I, SAT II, SHSAT
Physics Statistics Honors Math
AP Computer Science IB Math
College Test Prep Admission Test
Advanced Euclidean Geometry
Math Competitions/Olympiads
and beyond..
Why should schools around the country be taking advantage of this opportunity?
We believe that there are certain things that the student needs to be taken care of. Some students just cannot get it and some students just cannot get enough. Math Academy will be there for the students who fall under both of these categories.
It’s the thing that, teaching a bunch of students and tutoring a single student with individual attention purports a vast difference. The tutor naturally even gets his tutoring ability boosted and is so comfortable in tutoring that he delivers it best that way.
Why Math Academy?
- Our expert team of tutors are available there, whenever the student needs help with their courses or anything.
- We can offer individual attention at an affordable rate.
- Our tutors are teachers from schools where they’ve learnt that if a student cannot do well at school, he needs extra tutoring
- We’ve been in the tutoring industry for more than 10 years now. We know what it is to nourish a school-child and watch him/her perform great at his/her academics.
- Our expert team of curated tutors are unconditionally comfortable in tutoring the students the way they or their school wants.
Learn more..
It’s time your students got the right tutor with Math Academy & discover their true potential.
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